Who we are

In order to promote lasting change towards a more sustainable world the environmental movement is in constant need of inspirational and skilful leadership.

Young people working for environmental CSOs, especially in developing countries, often have few opportunities to develop leadership skills due to a lack of resources for schooling, training or practical learning.

The Joke Waller-Hunter (JWH) Initiative creates opportunities for young people in the environmental sector in developing countries to unfold their full potential. By providing small grants to individuals to expand their knowledge, experience and training, the Initiative aims to strengthen environmental Civil Society Organisations capacity and efficiency. The mission of the JWH Initiative is thus to provide an accessible and tailored small grant for education and training of individuals who are nominated by their organisation as potential future leaders.

The Joke Waller Hunter initiative is an initiative created and powered by Both ENDS.

river running through a jungle

About Joke waller-hunter

Joke Waller-Hunter

Joke Waller-Hunter (15 November 1946 – 14 October 2005) was a Dutch UN official and one of the most influential people in the world of international environmental action, particularly regarding the implementation of the Kyoto Accord. She started working for the province of North Holland. Together with her husband, she embarked in 1982 on a 2-year around-the-world-trip to study environmental problems and policies to tackle these. Relatives recently shared the personal diaries and photo books of this trip with Both ENDS. She continued her career after that for many years at the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, where she headed anew department for international environmental affairs. Her efforts at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 drew much attention.She was the first UN Director for the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, a position which she served from 1994 to 1998. From 1998 to 2002 Joke Waller-Hunter was director of the OECD Environment Directorate.

Shesubsequently joined the secretariat of the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany, as itsExecutive Secretary on 1 May 2002. In this position she oversaw thecoming into force of the Kyoto Protocol and played a leading role inpreparations for its implementation. Joke Waller-Hunter was awardedan honorary doctorate of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam inSeptember 2005 citing her contribution to society through heroutstanding work in the field of sustainable development andprotection of the global climate. Joke Waller-Hunter was a firmbeliever in sustainable development and environmental protection. Shewas convinced that it is possible to combine environmental andclimate change concerns with sustainable economic growth. She alsoknew that a strong environmental movement around the globe andinternational cooperation are essential to the advancement of thatcause.

Personally, Joke Waller-Hunter set high standards for herself and for her staff wherever she worked. She was almost always the first in the office,and usually the last to leave. No matter how many options for action her staff had come up with, Joke Waller-Hunter was able to see several more. And yet, far from dispiriting her staff, this inspired them to do even better. Joke Waller-Hunter saw the good in people; she nurtured their talents and skills; she created an environment in which everyone could shine, be heard and do their best. The untimely death of Joke Waller-Hunter in October 2005 as a result of breast cancer came as a tragedy to many.

With her passing, the Netherlands, Europe and the whole world lost a great source of inspiration in the struggle for a more sustainable world.In her will she left her estate to Both ENDS with clear instructions on how to use it. Joke Waller-Hunter had been associated to Both ENDS from the organisation’s start in 1986. Throughout the years she followed Both ENDS’ development from a distance with warm interest.We are very proud that she chose us to handle her estate and to develop the Joke Waller-Hunter initiative.

She has bequeathed her inheritance for the capacity development of environmental organisations in developing countries and, in particular, for fostering the leadership of persons affiliated with environmental organisations. In her testament, she wrote that the assets of her estate are to be used for: “improving the environment in developing countries and, in particular, enhancing the expertise of non-governmental environmental organisations.” and “granting financial contributions to eligible persons in developing countries for organising study trips, studying and research, putting together publications, schooling and transferring knowledge.”

About Both Ends

Both ENDS is a human rights and environmental justice organisation. We were founded in 1986 to provide financial and political support to environmental organisations around the world that were operating in difficult, sometimes dangerous circumstances. Ever since, we have stood in solidarity with our partners in their efforts and struggles for justice. Their courage and perseverance inspire us and give us strength.

Together with environmental justice groups from the Global South, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world. We gather and share information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihood, we engage in joint advocacy, we stimulate the dialogue between stakeholders and we promote and support sustainable local alternatives.

Our team

Daan Robben
Project Coordinator

Daan is the project coordinator at the Joke Waller Hunter initiative and climate finance specialist at Both ENDS. He thrives on nurturing innovation and believes in the power of cross-continental and intergenerational collaboration to tackle the climate crisis head-on. Working with young environmental leaders fuels his hope and drive.

Ana Luiza Alves
Team Member

Ana is a Brazilian lawyer and works as project officer on JWHi and other Both ENDS programs. She thrives on collaborating with real people, embracing resilience, collectivity, and alliance building. Ana passionately advocates for climate justice, believing it's essential for a fair and inclusive future.

Farouk Souriti
Team Member

Farouk works as a Project Assistant at Both ENDS where he provides administrative support to many projects including JWHi. He is passionate about working towards engineering a better and greener future and ensuring the communities most impacted by environmental injustice have access to basic environmental human rights.

Selection Committee

JWHi Grantee 2021
Ewi Stephanie Lamma
JWHi Grantee 2022
Pragya Sherchan
Former Director Both ENDS
Sjef Langeveld
PostDoc Radboud University Nijmegen
Kiane de Kleijne

Network Corner

Grantee Blogs

A Remarkable Football Gala in Nyakasinina

JWH grantees work together in Uganda
Grantee Blogs

A Remarkable Football Gala in Nyakasinina

JWH grantees work together in Uganda

Women Land Ownership and Sustainability in Lesotho

Reekelitsoe (Lesotho) stars in UNCCD campaign on Land Ownership

Women Land Ownership and Sustainability in Lesotho

Reekelitsoe (Lesotho) stars in UNCCD campaign on Land Ownership

The last river of Patagonia

Documentary of Sofia (Argentina) on the Santa Cruz River in Patagonia

The last river of Patagonia

Documentary of Sofia (Argentina) on the Santa Cruz River in Patagonia

Apply for a grant

Our 2024 Call has been closed.