Amandine Noëlla Mberyo-Gonefe

Burkina Faso

Meet Amandine Noëlla Mberyo-Gonefe, a central African national living in Burkina Faso. A sophisticated and passionate woman and responsible and thorough in every task. Since Amandine Noëlla graduated in 2016, she is engaged in community-based level activities, including seasonal tree planting, area cleanings, and other related social networks. For quite some time, Noëlla worked with Secretariat Permanent des ONGs (SPONG), contributing to human progress, economic development, and nature conservation. Amandine Noëlla shows a strong personality capable enough to lead a team of youth. Her team assisted local households in better managing domestic waste concerning a clean environment. As a young and dedicated professional, she has played a vital role in many events and showed excellent skills and professionalism; she provided technical and logistical support to the steering committee to reduce gaps in the Great Green Wall.

As said before, Amandine Noëlla was part of SPONG, which is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organizations. It provides public, private, and non-governmental organizations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development, and nature conservation to take place together.
Amandine Noëlla assisted as a program manager in daily work, such as program planning and implementation. She has shown powerful leadership abilities during her work at SPONG. As well, she contributed to the International Civil Society Summit Desertification’s 19 Summit, helping and contributing to the theming and logistics. Secondly, leading a team of young people who serve the summit in diverse ways like protocol service, security, and other related logistics.

Amandine Noëlla has incredible energy and wants to brighten her networking and negotiation skills. These skills are needed when debating on CSOs engagement needs and advocating for communities. The practical, technical, and leadership skills that she will need are the backbone of her future intervention in a sustainable environment. One of the goals of Amandine Noëlla is to attend the UNFCCC COP. Another goal is to start a career in the sector of environmental protection. The grant is used for attending the Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019 in Accra.

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