Elana Kroneberg
South Africa
Elena’s overall goal is to complete undergraduate studies in environmental sciences, while fostering membership and awareness around environmental justice issues within the student community. Besides her studies Elana works for Earthlife Africa-CT and under the wings of that organization she is busy in founding a youth organisation: Youth for Environmental Justice.
Through mentorship and direct training both within Earthlife Africa, as well as the Institute for Zero Waste in Africa, Elena feels ready to launch into partaking in activities that will yield measurable results and will build her leadership skills through hands on work. She strongly believes that her personal development is interdependent on her ability to plan, coordinate, communicate and execute practical activities successfully, as compared to training or classes.
Through the JWHi grant she is hoping to strengthen her skills in the ability to motivate young people to become active change-makers in a society that often excludes the youth voice, particularly in matters that affect their futures and their ability to live in a safe and just world. By improving on these skills, her own leadership abilities are strengthened, while helping to inspire other leaders in environmental and social justice issues.
Youth for Environmental Justice would ideally spread to all campuses in the country over time, as well as link up with other youth formations. It is also planned that existing seasoned activists in the field of environmental justice can share their experiences and skills with young people, and they will also mentor me in various aspects of environmental justice leadership.
Leadership Objectives
The objective she is hoping to achieve is to strengthen her skills in the ability to motivate young people to become active change-makers in a society that often excludes the youth voice, particularly in matters that affect their futures and their ability to live in a safe and just world. By improving on these skills, her own leadership abilities are strengthened, while helping to inspire other leaders in environmental and social justice issues.