Juan Juarez Cabrera
Saul is the coordinator of community projects for Caminos de Agua in Guanajuato. Saul is a passionate water advocate. Over the last ten years, he has woven together a wealth of life experiences, including community organizing in over twenty communities in the municipality. An active member of the Coalition in Defense of the Independence Watershed, Saul passionately advocates for more training opportunities for communities, specifically in sustainable water treatment and rainwater harvesting.
He has been awarded a JWHi grant to support his ambition to become an effective persuasive communicator on water quality and environmental topics in the region. Further he wants to attain a thorough knowledge of technical information on rainwater harvesting techniques, water filtration technologies and water quality that can be communicated in lay terms.
To reach his goals he will first of all in January 2017 visit a number of organizations in Chiapas working with popular educational techniques and also participate in trainings in popular education. In March 2017 Saul will spend up to three weeks in technical visits with Isla Urbana, a partner organization of Caminos de Agua, visiting rainwater harvesting installations to further improve his capabilities in technical concepts on rainwater harvesting as well as understand social, economic and cultural aspects.
Saul will use the insights and technical information gathered during his professional development in the first activities to develop new materials and popular education pedagogy on water quality, rainwater harvesting, and environmental issues for the workshops and projects he regularly coordinates. All his activities culminate in a training of trainers workshop by July 2017.
Leadership Objectives
Be a highly effective persuasive communicator on water quality topics in the region and environmentally friendly solutions. Have a thorough knowledge of technical information on rainwater harvesting techniques, water filtration technologies and water quality that can be communicated in lay terms.