Maria Ramona


Meet Maria Ramona, a competent and outstanding agro ecologist engineer from Paraguay. As a farmer’s daughter, she is very familiar with nature and the danger it faces; thus, she became a permanent activist in the fight for the implementation of agroecology as a way of producing food that is friendly to nature. From an early age, she held a lot of interest in learning and teaching and showed many people her leadership potential. Over the years, she has grown a lot personally and professionally in her field and work. A highlight in her path is being part of founding the organization Cultivate Paraguay. This organization works for the environment and defends the environment.

Maria fights for the implementation of agroecology to produce food that is friendly to nature. She collaborates with the countryside’s youth communities and supports them to have professional training possibilities according to their rural reality. She is known for her dynamic in organizing, motivating groups and her preparation for communicating new ideas. Already, she represents the country’s youth and the organization and travels to several countries for it. Together with families, Cultivate Paraguay, and other local organizations, Maria works on agricultural productions, technically and politically.
As a leader of her organization, she coordinates and organizes the activities that the organization carries out in the different fields of action: feminist activism, environment protection, advocating in national and international events: courses, workshops, congresses, meetings with state institutions, etc. Besides this, she is a great facilitator of classes, workshops, meetings organized with young people of the organization and other fraternal organizations.

Maria is a personality who puts in a lot of energy and has a lot of passion—striving for territorial rights and environmental-climate protection. She envisions producing highly specialized training in agroecology and conservation of native species to a broad audience and organizations. With the JWHi-grant, Maria will have more possibilities to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand agroecology better and put it into practice in local communities. With the grant, she will participate in specialized training in agroecology and conservation of native species.

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