Mary Gertrude Nakyanja
Tell us about yourself: Mary Gertrude Nakyanja, from Uganda. I'm a Project Officer at Water and Environment Media Network Uganda , (WEMNET-U), an independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit organization. At WEMNET-U, we intervene in areas of forest governance, wetlands protection, wildlife conservation and protection, as well as defending environmental human rights.
What did you do with the JWH grant? With the JWH grant, I enrolled at Makerere University for a Masters degree in Environment and Natural Resources. This will help me to improve on and widen my knowledge in conservation of ecosystems and provide informed alternative biodiversity sustainable use by communities while undertaking environmental conservation campaigns.
What will the leadership development program bring you? With the training I will acquire using the JWH grant, I hope to widen my knowledge in becoming a sustainable environment expert who speaks with authority about environmental issues and be able to discuss and analyze environmental issues with other environment experts, make informed decisions and implement these decisions in order to achieve solutions to major environmental challenges including climate change.
What is your dream? To build a generation that is mindful of the importance of access to clean air, a healthy living environment, and be part of finding solutions to mitigate climate change challenges. To build a generation that values, conserves and protects the environment.