Sajjad Hossain Tuhin


Meet Sajjad Hossain Tuhin, a young and passionate leader from Bangladesh. Sajjad finished a major in Forest Management. Furthermore, he is an activist, working on the social and environmental impacts of large infrastructures. Being a passionate person, he has played a significant role in environmental and social justice for the affected and nature dependent people. From a young age, he loved to be with nature and tried to support any movement related to protecting nature and forests. In his undergraduate thesis, he worked on biodiversity assessment along with the identification of tropical herbs. He continued working on it in his MSc as well. However, he still thought that the information he provides to policymakers was not that effective towards conservation. So, he decided to protect it on his own and joined CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network) and Bangladesh Working Group on External Debt (BWGED). CLEAN serves the natural resource-dependent people in agriculture, livelihoods, climate change, environment, forests, health, population, humanitarian response, socioeconomic justice, and Water Governance. He actively participates in the activities of CLEAN.

With his determined spirit and passion, he accomplished some excellent work supporting the environment’s sustainability and fighting for environmental justice. Sajjad Hossain Tuhin contributed to Bhola IPP and its impact on local communities: “Voices from the Ground.” A civil society study report from CLEAN and BWGED. It is one of his best works, and it is a milestone in environmental justice in Bangladesh. Besides this report, he researches biodiversity, especially in the taxonomy of plants and insects. For example, he cataloged Odonatan of the Southwestern part of Bangladesh with a national new record in damselfly diversity. It shows that he has excellent knowledge about the environment as well as local species. His research is a pioneer for establishing concern for the environment and environmental justice.

Sajjad Hossain Tuhin is currently working on improving environmental research capacity, communicating with respective stakeholders, editing, and finalizing research reports on the environmental impact of large infrastructures. JWHi is a platform that supports young leaders to build leadership capacity on environmental justice. The collaboration could help him improve skills like English, communication, advocacy, and writing. Besides that, he wants to contact experts and gather knowledge about energy and environmental policy.

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