
Tell us about yourself: I am TSOGO AWONA Jean-Henri, a Cameroonian and a holder of a Masters degree in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Climate Change REDD+ from the CRESA-Forêt Bois Institute of the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Since 2017, I have been working for the IFI Synergy Group, focused on the Nachtigal project. I incited a group of my former course mates to carry out a comprehensive study, challenging the EIAs of large-scale IFI funded infrastructural projects in considering carbon emissions/climate change, with focus on the Nachtigal project. I am currently leading the team in an analysis of the environmental and social problems caused by the project which are in contrary to the safeguards policies of the IFI donors, to prospect complaining through the respective independent Grievance Mechanisms. Besides working on the large-scale IFI funded infrastructural projects, I had also worked with indigenous Baka people, in the South-East of Cameroon, assessing their participation in climate related projects like the EU-funded PES project led by WWF Cameroon and also took part in writing the pettition against the conversion of over 60,000 hectares of rain forests around the iconic Campo Ma’an National Park to oil Palm plantations.

What did you do with the JWH grant? With the grant, I am currently enrolled in an English language course in Cameroon: I will also undertake a staff exchange visit to Ghana, a dominant English speaking country, with a partner Environmental organisation so as to enhance practical learning skills. I also follow-up online courses and partake in programs (conferences, webinars and zoom meetings) in English language to sharpen skills.

What has the leadership development program brought you? With this grant, I want to improve on my ability to write and speak in English language to better expose me to global opportunities that may present itself in future. Improving my English Language skills will enable me become more efficient in taking part in international learning and sharing processes and communicate better with our partners at work who also speak and write the English language.

What is your dream? Take part in international learning and sharing processes, communicate better with our partners at work who also speak and write the English language.

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